1. hSDM::altitude
    Virtual altitudinal data
  2. hSDM::cfr.env
    Environmental data for South Africa's Cap Floristic Region
  3. hSDM::data.Kery2010
    Count data for the Willow tit (from Kéry and Royle 2010)
  4. hSDM::datacells.Latimer2006
    Data of presence-absence (from Latimer et al. 2006)
  5. hSDM::frogs
    Counts of the number of frogs in a water body
  6. hSDM::neighbors.Latimer2006
    Neighborhood data (from Latimer et al. 2006)
  7. hSDM::punc10
    Occurrence data for _Protea punctata_ Meisn. in the Cap Floristic Region
  8. jSDM::aravo
    Distribution of Alpine plants in Aravo (Valloire, France)
  9. jSDM::birds
    birds dataset
  10. jSDM::eucalypts
    eucalypts dataset
  11. jSDM::frogs
    frogs dataset
  12. jSDM::fungi
    fungi dataset
  13. jSDM::madagascar
    Madagascar's forest inventory
    matrix|751 x 483
  14. jSDM::mites
    mites dataset
  15. jSDM::mosquitos
    mosquitos dataset